The Following Sporting Afas C.C Players have all represented a Spanish national Side in a competive fixture.
David Climent Bob Nix
Juan Rodriguez Neil McKinstry
Juan Sendra John Braithwaite
Scott Burchel Darren Keene
Jaime Catala Adam Alger
Kieran Perman Jack Perman
Phillip Pennick Joel Brooke
Casian Mohib Dhabyana
Daniel Martinez Marc Briggs
Tomas Cortez Jamie Roper
Charles Hunt Kyle Roper
Wasim Ul-Rehman Neil French
Jaime Gonzalez Rico Phull
Graham Howe Kevin Waters
Ben Fletcher Graham Ward
Jimmy Morgan Alan Tocher
Karl Pakiam Marc Perman
Ben Marriner Jerry Overbury
Shafique Alli Lionel Andrews
Christian Munoz Darren Walker
Faran Afzal
Sam Lupson
Mark Spencer
Gary Crompton
Kevin Laundon
Geoffery Evans
Christopher Cooper