Kevin. Ginny. Cate. Mark.
Points for discussion.
Call a club EGM for 04/06/2023 at 11.00am. This was discussed and the date confirmed
Need to fill club positions of Treasurer, first and second team captains.
Many thanks to Phillip Pennick for his dedication over the last couple of seasons.
The treasurer and second team captain positions have also become available due to
Ian Byrne leaving both the posts. The club and committee would like to thank Ian for all his
hard work over the past 10 or so years.
Tyrone is fixing the nets, and has been asked to do other work around the club, to sort out
roof on club house and a safety netting for spectators security.
John as kindly offered to paint all the fences that surround our clubhouse.
ECL expenses are still outstanding due to cheque being returned by the bank.
Ginny to give town Hall dates and times for national finals. 10th until 13th of November 2023.
ALL fixtures to go through Cate, only to save any mix ups.
EGM Agenda for June the 4th.
1-Kevin Laundon >>> first team captain - Proposed V Muñoz 2nd C Barnett.
2-Jack Perman >>> T20 captain. Proposed K Laundon 2nd M Perman
3-Stuart Anderson >> second team captain Proposed M Perman 2nd K Laundon.
4- no one proposed >> treasurer. NOTE This is a committee position.
5- EGM need to vote on the tour of Ibiza to see if it is a fixture the club should support.
€800.00 was figure voted at last meeting but there has been a miss calculation due to May
bank holidays and the hotel prices had risen. This additional sum to be voted upon.
6- Also waiting for final bill from Ibiza.
6a- What was paid in cash payment by touring players into the kitty.
7- With this seasons debates do we still agree to a Payment of up to €70.00 to players to
boost squads for important fixtures.
8- Membership must be paid, A.S.A.P. Non-Members cannot be picked to play, they are
not covered by insurance.
9- We have 71 children coming for a sports day any members available to help tutor the
the children on the day will be greatly appreciated. This is on 20th June at 9-30 am.
Any additional proposals should be sent by email to by 2nd June for
inclusion on the agenda.